FeaturedProjects Department


An Overview
The Islamic Foundation (TIF) is a Religious Organization registered in Tanzania under
Trusteeship Ordinance (Cap. 375) in 1998 with registration number 1768. The Islamic
Foundation is established for humanitarian support and relief activities nationally and
internationally. In doing so the Foundation focuses on activities such as building and running
Schools, Dispensaries, mosques, orphan centers and digging of water wells, relief and
humanitarian aid, health caravans, camps, etc.

The Head Office of The Islamic Foundation
is located in Morogoro- Tanzania with a branch network all over the country.

The Headquarters

Vision & Mission
Our Vision is to become a model Islamic institution in the provision of quality social services in
Tanzania and Africa at large.
Our Mission is to provide quality education, healthcare services, and social
welfare/humanitarian services to the needy, vulnerable, and other minority groups using our
media and Socio-economic interventions so that they become contributing citizens in their

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