The Management

The Islamic Foundation Management

Leadership, Governance, and Strategic Direction

Name Profession Position
Aref Mbarak Nahdi Philanthropist Founder, Trustee and Chairman
Fuad Omar Mbarak Philanthropist Founder, Trustee and Vice Chairman
Said Edha Nahdi Philanthropist Trustee
Ibrahim Twaha Ibrahim Advanced Certificate in Religious Studies at Imaam Shafi Institute Tanga Managing Director
Mussa Ally Buluki BA Project Planning Management and Community Development Secretary General
Ismail Rajab Kundya Bachelor of Arabic Language Ummul Qura University Mecca Director of Daawah
Nasor Salim Issa Bachelor of Commerce and Management in Accounting, UDSM (2016), CPA (T) Chief Accountant
Muhammad Aref Nahdi Bachelor of Financial Risk Management and Finance & Banking (2020), Malaysia Director of Projects
Arafat Badru Antar Bachelor of Human Resources Management (2016) Mzumbe University HR Officer
Ibrahimu Ben Hajj Degree (Aqid na Islamic thought) Media Director
Taj Mohamed Abbas Diploma in Accounting and Procurement Director for Events
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